bird flu
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Posted by ben on 12 Jul 2009 | Tagged as: bird flu, free food, rumors, silliness
I think I figured out how Chad Dawkins is reviewing all those CAM shows:
In this study, I investigated whether pigeons could be trained to discriminate between paintings that had been judged by humans as either “bad” or “good”. To do this, adult human observers first classified several children’s paintings as either “good” (beautiful) or “bad” (ugly). Using operant conditioning procedures, pigeons were then reinforced for pecking at “good” paintings. After the pigeons learned the discrimination task, they were presented with novel pictures of both “good” and “bad” children’s paintings to test whether they had successfully learned to discriminate between these two stimulus categories. The results showed that pigeons could discriminate novel “good” and “bad” paintings.
This study was published recently in Animal Cognition (hat tip).
Posted by justin on 16 Apr 2008 | Tagged as: adventure day, bird flu, in yo face, mustaches, party photos, possibilities, renegade performances
Posted by justin on 29 Mar 2008 | Tagged as: adventure day, announcements, art paparazzi, bird flu, spurs
Spaztek Test Flight # 2
Posted by justin on 24 Jul 2007 | Tagged as: art paparazzi, bird flu, possibilities, responses/reviews, silliness, wordy
Posted by justin on 30 May 2007 | Tagged as: adventure day, art paparazzi, bird flu, graffiti, in yo face, possibilities, renegade performances
Posted by michelle on 22 Mar 2007 | Tagged as: bird flu, responses/reviews
Hector Hernandez makes some odd, lascivious objects and he recently exhibited new works at Robot Art Gallery. Check it out before they move down the street to be in the hotbed of activity near Unit B, Sala Diaz and Cupcake Gallery…Robot is relocating to the old Bower space, we’re looking forward to some amazing shows this summer/fall!! Good luck, Jessica! And keep painting those panties, Hector! Looks good.
Posted by justin on 17 Jan 2007 | Tagged as: announcements, art paparazzi, bird flu, ice, opportunities, silliness
I know we’ve all been REALLY WORRIED (about bird flu) psssstt..they just found a probable cure in Cod enzymes from Iceland.. Just thought you might find that interesting, seaing that is been quite icy in San Antonio as of late. Myself, I’ve been holed up in my little warm home, fighting off the chills and talking shop to my marnball. This morning, though I was so excited to see the light of day (err.. gray) that I dove into my camera and shot some photos of silly winter stuff, like icicles, and lamposts and hockey pucks.. (uh wait, no hockey pucks.. ) but lots of icicles. OH , yeah I also dove through the last issue of the SA Current, and lo and behold there was a small blurb style writeup on Emvergeoning. Yeah, go us! We’re famosos. soo.. if your interested.. heres some photos of San Antonio under ice..
The Photo below is proof of the cheesy icicle photos I speak of..just click on the link know its killing you..