1st Friday
Posted by thomas-cummins on 25 Feb 2009 at 07:02 pm | Tagged as: upcoming events
Fri, Mar 6 | ||
6:00 pm | to | 10:00 pm |
Leona Scull-Hons: To kiss me is to take me in.
Cactus Bra Gallery
March 6 – March 21, 2009
Wanna “meet, kiss, forgive, and embrace friends or foes”? Well, the place to do it is under the mistletoe ceiling at Cactus Bra! For the last six years, Leona Scull-Hons’ work has been installation-based, with the purpose of creating situations that encourage social interaction, and this exhibit seeks to do the same
Aanna Reyes Studios Blue Star Arts Complex, 1400 S. Alamo St., No. 104M, . “Cholo, There’s No Pie in the Sky,” drawings and paintings by Felipe Reyes. 7-10 p.m. opening reception.
ArteReyes Studios Blue Star Arts Complex, 1400 S. Alamo St., No. 104J, . “New Works by Luz Perez,” paintings by Perez. 7-10 p.m. opening reception.
Bella Sorelle 1712 Blanco Road, . “Café y Arte,” handcrafted folk art by multiple artists. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
El Sol Studios 936 S. Alamo St., . “Ben Ortiz: The Pinup Show,” paintings by Ortiz, inspired by Bettie Page. 6-11 p.m. opening reception.
The February Collective Blue Start Arts Complex, 1400 S. Alamo St., No. 104B. “Capturing Recovery: Shuttering Drug Abuse in Bexar County,” photographs by participants in the Bexar County Drug Court Recovery Program. 6-9 p.m. opening reception. First Friday only.
SAY Sí Central 1518 S. Alamo St., . “Storyville: Pictorial Anthologies,” films, paintings and stage vignettes by students in the media and visual arts programs and Teatro Alas. 6-9 p.m. opening reception.
Three Walls Blue Star Arts Complex, 1400 S. Alamo St., No. 106D, . “Miasma,” installation by Beili Liu. 6-9 p.m. opening reception.
The Classic Theater presents Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. The play will run from March 19th through the 29th at Jumpstart in the Bluestar Contemporary Art Center. For ticket information, the website is www.classictheatre.org
Gemini Ink invites the public to a poetry reading on Friday, March 6th at 6:30 p.m. Poet Rigoberto Gonzalez and fiction writer Jeffrey Allen will read from their works. For more information, the website is www.geminiink.org Gemini Ink is located at 513 S. Presa Street.
End the night with DJ MATA and much more music at the
Vintage House ()
628 S. St. Mary’s 78205
7 till late
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