Contemporary Art Month
Posted by ben on 25 May 2009 at 07:17 pm | Tagged as: uncategorized
This is a quick reminder to all San Antonio galleries to submit your Contemporary Art Month events to the website this week. Any events submitted after this week will not be included in the print version of the calendar.
and so forth.
got out of the game
Joan and Vijay come to grips with reality
Now there’s a part of me that wants to say “It’s just a card, for Pete’s sake…the important thing is that it conveys my personal contact information.” But I know myself that after an art fair or reception, when I later empty my pockets of all the collected business cards, I do make subtle judgments about people based on their quality. Having invested in themselves (as a good card suggests they have), I’m more willing to take them seriously in the abstracted context of remembering our conversation or why I took their card in the first place.
i love the links people post on here! l ron hubbard, apocalypse now redux, funny music, american psycho. who are these people? y’all crack me up.