Thu, Jul 9
8:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Unofficial Destructive CAM Event!!!!!!!!!

Hosted by:


Thursday, July 09, 2009 8:30 PM – 10:30 PM CDT


Raul Castellanos and Skye Cosby will be destroying a historic piano on which music legends such as Sam Cooke have played on.
The piano was a gift from the late artist Reverend Seymour Perkins’ family to conmemorate his artistic career and legacy. Perkins and Raul have collaborated extensively for the last 2 years of Perkins life.
Afterwards, Raul Castellanos will build a wall sculpture out of the piano pieces in the style he is reknown for.

Reverend Seymour Perkins cement slab/sculpture garden
602 Nevada
San Antonio, TX 78203


Reverend Seymour Perkins cement slab/sculpture garden 602 Nevada
San Antonio, TX 78203