Videos by Lynda Benglis at the McNay
Posted by ben on 25 May 2007 at 10:57 am | Tagged as: upcoming events, video/film
On Thursday, June 7 at 7:pm, the McNay will show video works by Lynda Benglis to coincide with her current ARTMATTERS exhibit:
In the mid-1970s, Benglis executed a number of videos that continued her exploration of female sexuality and identity — an overriding theme in her work. A selection of her video works will be shown, including Female Sensibility (1973, 14 min., color) and How’s Tricks (1976, 33:45 min., color). Not rated; mature content.
Sometimes the Psychiatrist would bring out a white enamel basin partially full of water. This gave me great fear. He would place my bare feet in the basin, and then give me a large series of shocks of electricity. I think he was a sexual sadist because this seemed to arouse sexual feelings in him. These sessions were followed by my performing oral sex on him. For this my parents were paying him fifteen dollars for the hour.