Sun, Nov 1
3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Chale Con El Pleito…Arriba Con Las Cholas!

Transformation & Runway Exhibition FUN-draiser for P.E.A.C.E. Initiative

Causes -
Sunday, November 1, 2009
3:00pm – 7:00pm
Gallista Gallery, 1913 S. Flores, San Anto, TX 210- 212-8606


This year our Fashion Show FUN-draiser will be held in conjunction with Day of the Dead – Dia De Los Muertos festivities. As a service learning project that we are doing with OLLUSA students and Professor Deborah Kuetzpalin Vasquez we decided to change the format. The title of the event is:

“Chale con el Pleito – Stop the Fighting
Arriba con Las Cholas” – Long-Live the Cholas!

In our never ending search to find new, innovative, unique ways of disseminating our message of non-violence this fashion show will go off with a different twist. First, we are using the venue of the Gallista Art Gallery, 1913 S. Flores, SATx, 78205. Surrounded by art we’ll be reclaiming culture as a strength, as a form of grounding that instills pride, power of identity and positive self-worth. We are setting up a transformation studio, runway and ambiance to profile the power of reclaiming the “Chola” concept. There we will lift up the Chola as a powerful figura of our cultura. The chola will be about her self selected “look”. She will shed the image of violent gang fighter, territorial abuser, irresponsible gang member that in reality is very afraid at her core and be transformed into a strong, confidant, empowered activist, change agent, cultura promoter and creator, community builder, people power organizer and peace maker who cannot and will not be a victim or victimizer.
Anchored in our common childhood histories of making do with what you have, local artists will bring to life the experience of playing with paper dolls. They will create outfits of art for each of our Chola models that will then be auctioned off.

April Atkinson
Rolando Briseño
David Zamora Casas
Eddie Chavez
Abraham De La Torre
Beto DeLeon
Angel Rodriguez Diaz
Jane Madrigal
Pocha Pena
Mary Agnes Rodriguez
Deborah Kuetzpalin Vasquez

Brenda Castro
Jessica DeLeon
April Cervantes
Victoria Garcia
Gloria Flor Gloria
Rebecca Martinez
Cynthia Medina
Stephanie Rodriguez

Agosto Cuellar & Jai Vintage

Irene Mendiola
Jane Madrigal

Roland Cerna
Antonio De Leon Garcia
Sylak Quintero

Ruth Buentello