Fri, Apr 9
7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
John Wayne and Paul Reubens
Sala Diaz
April 9 – May 10, 2010

Prominent curator and critic, Katy Siegel, curates the exhibition John Wayne and Paul Reubens at Sala Diaz! From the press release the work in the show remains a mystery but is somehow based around an imaginary confrontation between John Wayne and Paul Reubens of Pee-Wee Herman fame. The tone of the exhibition is neatly encapsulated in the press release’s intervene between Wayne and Herman.

JW- “Well, I don’t favor talkin to vermin but i’ll talk to you just this once.”
PR- “Well, here’s the thing. I totally, during interviews, a lot of the time, lie. I make stuff up.”

Sounds oh so post-modern, fun and exciting all at the same time!!!

Sala Diaz
517 Stieren
San Antonio, TX 78210