FL!GHT & onezero6 Second Saturday
Posted by justin on 08 Nov 2007 at 01:51 pm | Tagged as: announcements, upcoming events
new works from Sean Von Merveldt @ FL!GHT Gallery
new works from Carolina Rubio @ one9zero6
(also Ed Wilcox @ Salon Mijangos)
Second Saturday November 10th
7-10 p.m.
(ripped from my email about the show)
Next Second Saturday, NOVEMBER 10th FL!GHT will be host to new works from San Antonio artist hiding in Dallas, Sean VonMerveldt. Hes a veteran of our old Silo haunts, and one of the most talented people I’ve ever met on a sidewalk in the dark. (what is that supposed to mean?) .. Hes also victim to Asbestos dust exposure (like me & the rest of the FL!GHT Crew) .. so come see his work before its.::cough..cough::..to late.