Forgotten Cinema
Posted by ben on 04 Jan 2008 at 02:39 pm | Tagged as: books, video/film
I used to post a lot more experimental cinema on Emvergeoning, digging through YouTube when I couldn’t think of anything interesting to write about. Examples include films by Phill Niblock (of a Sun Ra performance), Edgar Varèse (Poème électronique), Nam June Paik and Jud Yalkut (Electronic Moon #2), Piotr Kamler (Une Mission Ephemere), Harry Smith (Color Study), and others.
For those of you who miss those days, Andrew of The Expanded Field just pointed out a blog devoted entirely to experimental video and film called Expanded Cinema (which is also the title of a great book on the subject). Just thought you might want to know.
Hirschfeld sent his book about transvestites. He is finally becoming clear about the distinction between inversion of object and of person, i.e., homosexuality and feminine mixing.