a late Merry Christmoustache & Happy New Year
Posted by justin on 02 Jan 2008 at 04:04 am | Tagged as: mustaches, opportunities, outsider, renegade performances, silliness
We here in San Antonio have begun following one of the more mighty traditions of the olde world every Christmas.. we grow Mustaches and celebrate them on the eve of Christmas Day every year, at noon, in front of the Alamo. 2007 was no slouch. (this post also settles the continuous question over the need for a “mustaches” category/tag..as you can imagine, proper spelling is also an issue.)
(clicking on here will take you to a magical place with a few more images of people from San Antonio who also had Chrismoustaches on the eve of Christmas. Sadly, Ben could not take part.)
I will find out where she has gone
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among the dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.
sparky said…
me thinks alamo joe doth protest too much
Homer says, “We’re here! We’re Queer! We don’t want anymore bears!”
Lenny asks, “Hey Homer, that’s a pretty catchy chant. Where’d you learn it?”
Homer responds, “Oh, I heard it at the mustache parade they have every year.”
clone: 1970s gay slang (still current) for a gay man who sports a moustache and wears butch outfits to counter the stereotype of the nelly queen.
2. BGM
An acronym for “Big Gay Mustache”. A large, bushy mustache, often curling upward (like a barbershop quartet member) or downward (like a biker or walrus). It does not imply that the person who has the mustache IS gay, it merely is a style of mustache much loved by gay men, especially “bear type” gay men.
Hulk Hogan has a BGM.
or did he just come out?
7:51 PM
… equality presumes pre-existing relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and choice, which are hard to achieve when you hardly know your neighbours and feel alienated from how your community is run.
moustache rides, 15 cents.
What interests me most is expressing what’s in nature, in the visible world, that is