Through an ATM darkly
Posted by ben on 10 Jul 2008 at 10:42 am | Tagged as: adventure day, design, graffiti,, photography
An old friend sets out to chronicle New York City through its ATMs on a new blog, aptly titled :
UPDATE: ATMNYC’s author writes:
The photos on atmnyc are taken with my iphone and then emailed directly to the tumblr blog. So the pictures are all snapped and posted in almost the same instant. I like to think of it as a sort of updated polaroid style. The limits of the iphone camera, the problems with focus, the tendency to blur and glare, even the dimensions of the photo, actually remind me a lot of the old Polaroid Land Camera.
I do not photograph any indoor atms unless they are visible from the street. I take many of the pictures quickly from my bike. I make little effort at composition— the city takes care of that part itself.
I used to hate the sight of atms, thinking that they were a regrettable intermediary techno clutter, not unlike the cell phone towers tacked onto so many historic Manhattan apartment buildings. On the other hand I find payphones charming, perhaps because they are nearing their obsolescence. Likewise, New York’s rooftop water towers are beautiful appendages, so maybe cellphone towers should be indulged as well.
In any case, I’ve become fond of atms, and have come to see them as helpful little droids, standing on corners blinking their senseless cyclopes eye, waiting patiently to serve the needs of a passing master– for a small fee, of course. In the meantime they are heaped with every abuse offered by graffiti, violence and the weather.
But despite my growing sentimentality for the things, I still get my cash from the teller at a local branch bank.
passage of ice